A Travellerspoint blog

Us & Our Stuff

-17 °C

( Jenn )

Here are two pictures of us all from when we were in Ottawa last week. I'm not terribly fond of the picture of me but then again, I hate having my picture taken and avoid it whenever I can :P

And of course, the obligatory all-our-stuff-laid-out picture to be followed by the all-our-stuff-packed-up one tomorrow :)




Posted by jennrob 09:10 Archived in Canada Tagged packing

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Jenn! You're really going! I can't believe it! And you've packed so light, I am soooo impressed *g*

by LottieL

Hi jenn
Great blog. You must all be so excited now the countdown is on. I will be reading all about your adventures and wish you all a memourable and safe trip. Lots of love Liz x

by bizzylizzy

You guys make a ridiculously cute family :P

Honestly, I took more things when I went away for a year and I was by myself!! Haa. I fail at packing lightly.


by gitanne

Wow. That is so cool and I think the pic of your is adorable.

So much time and such little stuff...though, of course things will be discarded and collected as you go. I can't wait to read about it all.

by sabrinagb

It's a lovely picture! And you've packed so light... I'm impressed.

by cherryw

To all:

It doesn't seem light at the moment. It seems "oh-my-god-we're-going-to-have-to-carry-all-that-on-our-backs" :P but it's good to hear that everyone thinks it looks light. I'm sure we'll get used to it all - or jettison a few things (or ten) once we're there. Thanks so much for commenting, guys! *hugs*

by jennrob

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