A Travellerspoint blog

All packed up

and raring to go...

sunny 27 °C

( Jenn )

Well, mostly. We are all packed up as evidenced by this photo:


(everything that was laid out on the futon the other day in 2 backpacks, 2 small daypacks and Anica's daypack)

It was tough though. We'd already done a run through but it still seems like so much stuff. We've chopped at our list, read through dozens of similar ones, listened to advice on what we can and can't get over there (so much of it conflicting). Finally we've decided that the packs will just have to go as they are and once we're overseas, we can assess the situation and see if there are things we can jettison or send home. Ideally we'd like to travel even lighter but, as we keep reminding ourselves, we are 3 people traveling with 2 carrying the majority of the weight and with a kidlet, there's a lot of things you carry because you can't chance being without them (pediatric versions of meds, etc).

We're very excited. Our airport limo (oooh, sounds so much more thrilling than it is when it's simply a flat rate Lincoln Town Car) comes at 5 am and I know I'm going to have a tough time sleeping tonight but I'm going to try because I'm terrible at sleeping on planes.

First stop is Vancouver, British Columbia to visit Rob's sister Jean and her family (husband Bruce, son William and daughter Lauren). Anica can hardly wait to see her cousins (it's been over a year) and we're looking forward to just spending some quiet time with them all and having them show us around Vancouver (Anica and I have been before but Rob hasn't) before we head to Singapore.

Posted by jennrob 16:52 Archived in Canada Tagged packing

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Enjoy the first part of your big adventure!

Looking forward to hearing all about it!

  • loves*

by LottieL

Have so, so much fun! And yeah, I have found myself ditching stuff I thought I NEEDED when I travel. :o)

by sabrinagb

Wow! Wow wow wow! I'm so excited by proxy! *grins* Have a most excellent adventure, dudette! (And dude and little dudette.)

by fiercy

Does it feel like Christmas Eve? The excitement would be killing me.

Have a wonderful time in Vancouver; safe flight!


by gitanne

Safe travels!

by freunion

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