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Anica's Two Favourite Days So Far

Sentosa Island and the Singapore Zoos

sunny 35 °C


Today we went to Sentosa Island. It was fun. First we went on the MRT [n.b.-this is Singapore's subway system], then rode cable cars and got to Sentosa. Time 10:00 AM.


Went to Dolphin Lagoon and saw two pink dolphins. Princees. [princesses] Went to underwater world, petted baby sharks and fish, pufferfish and fed manta rays.

Anica petting the bamboo shark and manta rays.

saw fish and jellyfish and quet [cute] seaangels, went through the underwater cave and saw sharks, fish, manta rays and sti[ng]rays, and even one mantte [dudong or manatee] nammed Gracie.

We took this photo in the underwater tunnel. This sawtooth shark was resting on the roof.

Had lunch. Beach! I splshed mommy!!! Went to 4D cnima pirutes. Horrible. Your seat shakes, crabs and hornets nest sting you, you get punched. Went to Subway, had snack, went on luge and sky ride and had dinner. Watched songes of the sea [n.b. -this was a night-time show of lasers, fountains, fireworks and a story acted out on a beachfront theatre. We took the cable cars back and ended up sitting with two Canadian university students, one who was from Singapore. They were so friendly and came with us on the subway, too. As far as we know, nobody else we've seen is Canadian, so quite a coincidence.-Rob]

August 8th


Today we went to the night safieri and zoo. first we had breakfast then went on 2 MRTs, then bus. we got there. the first thing we did ws called yummy KFC lunch. then we went and saw these animals. monkys, otters, cats, snakes, fish, manatee and a baby manatee, pgmy hippos (with there baby)

Here's our baby with their baby:)

The proboscis monkey made quite an impression on us-Rob

We saw 3 white tigers, somthing nickenamed catbear and then went for Night Safari. GOOD NIGHT!!!


Yes, the Night Safari was a very good night. It's right next to the regular zoo. Both are gorgeous, lush, rainforest settings, with decor/designs like world-class theme parks. Many animals are free-ranging, so encounters are often delightfully startling. After dinner at the Night Safari enrance, we saw a rousing, cheesy, fire-eating show just as it got dark. Anica loved the antics of this Borneo troupe. Then we got on the tram. Everyone was hushed as it cruised the paved path, the animals' areas lit strategically for good views. We convinced Anica to take the optionlal walking trails at the halfway point. She was very brave, as these are often very dark. She even agreed to go into the free-range bat enclosure. I promised her I'd brag on her behalf. She stood and looked at a huge flying fox right in front of her. Later, back on the tram, a tapir stood so close I could've reached out and touched it. No photos of this night, but I doubt we'll ever forget it.

Photo op spot at entrance

Posted by jennrob 05:44 Archived in Singapore

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Is it stupid that I'm actually crying reading your posts? Crying in a good way, to know that you're having such a good time and Anica is...wow...memories she'll have for the rest of her life! So wonderful. You're sent good thoughts daily. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

by fiercy

Hey guys, good to hear from you and I'm glad you're having such a good time :-) The sawtooth shark looks very funny *g* Hope your vacation continues to be that much fun.

by marny

Hi guys!
Sounds like you're off to a good start! We love Sing Zoo and the night safari, have you been to the Bugis Junction night market yet? Also great food at Clarke Quay, and they do 'virgin' Singapore Slings at Raffles if your budget stretches that far!! Also for any 'western' supplies head off to Suntec City where there is a big Carrefour hypermarket!!
Have a lovely time in wonderful Singapore!
love Rachel xx


Anica, you're so brave petting the bamboo shark and manta rays! And the Night Safari ~~ how exciting is that!

Hugs to everyone.

by Mom-Momma

Rachel, thanks for the Singapore tips! We got to the Tekka Centre and Lau Pa Sat hawker stalls, no Raffles, though. No trouble with western supplies in S'pore.-Rob...Momma, thanks a lot! The bamboo sharks were really soft, the manta rays were really slimey, the puffer fish felt soft as a carpet.-Anica

by jennrob

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